With touchingly generous contributions from our friends, our family, and our wonderful community, the Emily Morgan Foundation was established in 2006.
This Foundation was created in celebration of Emily — to keep alive in the community Emily’s incredible and indomitable spirit. Emily’s approach to living, despite the numerous challenges she faced throughout her all-too-short life, was nothing short of inspirational. Emily was a precious daughter and sister, and she was also our hero.
Our Journey
Ours is a personal journey that began with the first appearance of Emily’s symptoms, her eventual diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis, being assessed and placed on the organ transplant list, receiving that fateful telephone call, facing the reality of Emily’s double-lung transplant operation, and ultimately reveling in Emily’s triumphant recovery.
Although our life with Emily was packed full of glorious highs and incredibly poignant memories, every step along our path was also fraught with the unfathomable fear of the unknown, triggered by countless examinations, tests, treatments, numerous hospital stays and procedures.
Emily is gone now, and the void our precious girl has left behind can never be filled. Forever, there will be an ache in our hearts as we yearn for those happier days when our family was complete.
Assistance and Support
Only the family of child with a serious illness can truly comprehend this dichotomy and how this affects life in every conceivable way.
Often, finances can add to a family’s struggles. We know this first-hand. The assistance and support we received from our family, friends, and the community were beyond anything we could ever imagine, and we understand that the people who cared about our family wanted to ease our pain in a tangible way. For this, we will be eternally thankful.
In establishing Emily’s Foundation, our aim is two-fold:
- to ensure Emily’s name is remembered as a symbol of all that is good in a person, as an inspiration to be the best we can be in spite of life’s difficulties, like Emily did so bravely every single day…
- to reach out to other families who must cope with the uncertainty of a child’s illness with a gift of financial assistance in Emily’s name, to be used in any fashion they wish — no strings attached…
The Emily Morgan Foundation has provided and will continue to provide personal gifts of assistance to other families who struggle with the life of having a sick child, to help ease the financial burden that is inherent in hospital stays, treatments, and medical equipment.
It would warm Emily’s unselfish and beautiful heart to know that others are receiving assistance in this way.
If you are interested in contributing to The Emily Morgan Foundation, kindly click here.