In June 2007, The Emily Morgan Courageous Spirit Award was introduced at Wellington Street French Immersion School (SK to Grade 6) and at Homedale Senior Elementary School (Grades 7 and 8) in St. Thomas, Ontario. These are where Emily spent the greatest number of her schooling years (Grade 1 to 8) and she had a deep loyalty to and love of each school. These schools were merged to become Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion School, and now the recipients of the Emily Morgan Courageous Spirit Award are selected from the students who attend there.
The intention of the Emily Morgan Courageous Spirit Award is to annually recognize a graduating student, who primarily displays courage and character in the face of personal challenges, and:
- by example, inspires and encourages others to reach their goals
- celebrates the life of a student
- displays respect for the school’s teaching and support staff
- actively volunteers in school activities (where possible)
Note this is not an athletic nor an academic award, but rather, a unique recognition of a special student’s inner spirit that shines unwaveringly despite life’s roadblocks.
It would cheer Emily’s heart to know other students, like her, who may not necessarily be the highest achievers in sports or grades, are being recognized for proudly contributing to their school’s identity and character in their own distinctive way.
The selection of the award recipient is at the discretion of the teachers and administrative staff, based on the criteria listed above. We ask to be informed of the student’s name by June 1 each year, and request a brief summary outlining the rationale for the final decision. We have no input into the decision — we trust the staff of Pierre Elliott Trudeau School to make the right choice.
The chosen student will receive a gift in the amount of $250 from the Emily Morgan Foundation and a personalized Tree of Life sculpture, handcrafted in Colborne, Ontario by Hoselton Studio.
Scarlett Cornell
Anna Leeke
Clair Sandham
Megan Hughes
Olivia Williams
Rebecca Quipp
Alyssa Burke
Katheline Black
Kelsey Kloosterman
Tatum Blackwell
Kyle Lister
Valérie Cadotte-LaPointe
Taylor Robertson
Olwen Wilson
Jordann Campbell
Charles Kitchen
Justin Kitchen
Tabitha Palmer
Liam Campbell
Homedale School
(note: Wellington Street School is now closed)
Elizabeth Skinner
Draven Hudie
Homedale School – Jessica Lass
Wellington School – Elliott Morreau
Homedale School – Nick Miknev
Wellington School – Lucy Morgan (Emily’s little sister)